Bombshell 2019 Transmisión gratuita de película completa

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  • Title: Bombshell
  • Year: 2019
  • Duration: 1h 49m
  • Rating: 6.8
  • Genres: Drama, Biography
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Summary Bombshell 2019

A group of women take on Fox News head Roger Ailes and the toxic atmosphere he presided over at the network.

When Gretchen Carlson slaps Fox News founder Roger Ailes with a lawsuit alleging sexual harassment, not a soul could predict what would happen next. Her decision leads to Fox News correspondent Megyn Kelly coming forward with her own story, as well as multiple other women, inciting a movement that reverberates around the world.

Against the backdrop of the 2016 United States presidential election, Fox News' anchor, Megyn Kelly, finds herself embroiled in controversy, after questioning the Republican front runner, Donald Trump, on his misogynistic comments. But, on July 6, 2016--as the network's former anchorwoman, Gretchen Carlson, sets in motion a maelstrom of events for refusing to exchange sexual favours with Fox News mogul, Roger Ailes--other journalists, like the ambitious producer, Kayla Pospisil, come forward. Now, three wronged women are about to reveal the toxic world of sexual harassment in a workplace environment, bent on bringing down the powerful CEO. However, are Megyn, Gretchen, and Kayla the only ones who didn't get along with the boys?

Focusing on three women - two real life and one fictitious (arguably a composite of many real life women) - the toxic work environment at Fox News for females at the hands of the network's President Roger Ailes is dramatized, specifically the period in early to mid 2016. Megyn Kelly has made it to where many aspire, namely hosting her own prime time show on the network, as well as being given the plum assignments, such as being one of the moderators of the GOP's presidential candidates debate. Unlike most right wing journalists, she decides to confront candidate Donald Trump about his poor public treatment of women, especially the denigrating name calling, such action by Kelly which does not sit well with the staunchest of his supporters. Gretchen Carlson was once at Kelly's position with the network, but she is seeing her star fading given a dead on-air time slot, that demotion largely from her outspoken stance on many issues. She, in the process, receives Ailes' ire in not presenting herself as eye candy as is the unofficial expectation of all women at the network, on air personalities or otherwise. Seeing the writing on the wall, she takes preemptive steps to protect her future. Kayla Pospisil, an avowed evangelical, has always wanted to work for Fox, and aspires to being an on-air personality. In taking proactive steps to reach that goal, she attracts the attention of Ailes. A major incident occurs at the network in that Carlson is ultimately fired, which prompts her to enact those steps she was working on: she sues Ailes himself for sexual misconduct, unlike previous suits by others before her suing the network unsuccessfully. Factoring the fear that exists among many female employees that are aware of Ailes' actions toward them as a collective, Kelly and Pospisil have to decide if they will come forward publicly to divulge their own experiences of Ailes' inappropriate behavior toward them - Kelly's ten years prior, Pospisil's current - at the possible risk to their careers where Ailes and the network have not tolerated anything but unconditional loyalty.

Synopsis Bombshell 2019

In 2016, Roger Ailes (John Lithgow) is the chairman of Fox News, and runs the network from the second floor of the building with an iron fist. The story interweaves the stories of three different women who work at Fox News.

Megyn Kelly (Charlize Theron), one of the network's biggest stars, prepares to moderate a debate of the Republican candidates for president. Despite some push-back from colleagues, she is determined to ask Trump about his sexist comments towards women. The day of the debate, she gets extremely sick, vomiting in the bathroom. She goes on anyway and asks him about his comments. He spends the evening tweeting viciously about her, inciting his followers to attack her as well. Megyn is distressed at the amount of hate she receives and about the fact that she has become the story instead of reporting it.

During her time off, she gets rude comments made to her and a paparazzo appears outside her window, taking pictures of her daughter, forcing her husband Douglas (Mark Duplass) to get rid of him. When she returns to work, while Fox hires a security detail, the network is not going to come out against Trump. Roger, who is close with Megyn, is notoriously paranoid, and believes that Megyn was poisoned the day of the debate.

Gretchen Carlson (Nicole Kidman), was the co-host of Fox and Friends, but was removed from that spot and given a less valuable afternoon one. After enduring sexist comment after sexist comment (often on the air), she is tired of it. She meets with attorneys who tell her that her contract makes it tough for her to fight back in any way - they tell her the story of Rudi Bakhitar (Nazanin Boniadi) who was fired after not accepting her boss's sexual advances. They tell her the workaround would be to sue Roger directly, but she'd need to have hard evidence, and other women would need to come forward - Gretchen is certain other women will, and returns to work.

Kayla Popisil (Margot Robbie) is a young conservative woman raised in a religious home who worships the right-wing and conservative Fox News network. She has begun her career there working under Gretchen, until she is offered a promotion to Bill O'Reilly's show, the network's biggest program. On one of her shows, Gretchen wears no makeup to show and support women, and Roger storms down to the studio and makes a vicious comment about her appearance, which Kayla hears. She then tells Gretchen she's leaving - Gretchen wants her to stay, and tells her she can protect her, but Kayla doesn't see why she should turn down a promotion. She moves to O'Reilly and gets chewed out by him during her first day. Kayla's co-worker, Jess Carr (Kate McKinnon), helps her out by showing her how to make Fox News stories, "terrify your grandmother, outrage your grandfather."

One day after a round of work drinks, Kayla and Jess sleep together, though Kayla tells Jess she isn't a lesbian. She is shocked to find a Hilary poster in Jess's apartment, and wants to know why a gay Hilary supporter works at Fox. Jess explains she applied to many jobs but this was the one that stuck, and now no one else will hire her because she works at Fox.

At work, Kayla tells Jess to hide a photo she has with another woman. Kayla is invited to Roger's office to meet with him, and she's excited at the idea of being promoted to on air talent. She tells him this, and he asks her to get up and do a twirl for him. He then asks to see more of her legs. He keeps doing this until she, extremely uncomfortable, pulls her skirt up high enough that he can see her underwear. He dismisses her, and she tries to tell Jess about it, but Jess sadly tells her she can't be involved.

Time passes, and Megyn goes to interview Donald Trump at Trump Tower. When she reviews the footage, Douglas is angry that it seems like she let him off the hook with barely a slap on the wrist. Meanwhile, Gretchen does a story on her show where she tells the audience that she supports a ban an assault weapons, and is asked to come to the second floor. All three women end up in the elevator at the same time, as Kayla is sent up to Roger's office, and Gretchen meets with executives who fire her. She wants to know why, but isn't given a reason. Gretchen files suit against Roger, which sends the Fox offices into high alert. Roger meets with his wife Beth (Connie Britton), attorney Susan Estrich (Allison Janney), and Rudy Giuliani (Richard Kind), and denies all the claims.

Fox tells all of their female talent to come out and support Roger, which many of them do happily, saying they were never harassed. Megyn is silent, and she tells her staff the truth - because Roger harassed her when she began at the network. Her second-in-command, Gil (Rob Delaney) wants to know what she wants to do - she tells him she just spent all that time being the news, and she doesn't want to insert herself into this just yet. Fox, however, keeps pressuring Megyn to make a statement in support of Roger.

In the initial aftermath of the suit, not one other woman comes forward, deeply disappointing Gretchen, who had really believed other women would speak out. Investigators do find six women who were horrifically sexually harassed by Roger, but before Fox News, which isn't helpful to Gretchen's suit or public perception. Megyn considers coming forward, but does not want to be the only one, and begins hunting for the other women, despite the danger of doing so at Fox.

She eventually follows a few leads herself and finds multiple women who have been harassed or assaulted by Roger, Bill O'Reilly, and other men at the network and convinces them to go to the investigators. She meets with Kayla, who she is asks if Roger harassed her. Kayla admits he did, and Megyn tells her it happened to her. Kayla is angry, wanting to know why she did nothing to protect women after her and why she isn't doing anything now. Megyn tells Kayla it isn't her job to protect her and to report the harassment.

While on a date with a man, Kayla calls Jess, crying, asking if she gave Megyn her name. Jess tells her she was worried about her, and Kayla tells her through tears that she gave into Roger. Jess is sorry, and when Kayla tells her she thinks she wants to go to the investigators, she encourages her to do so. Megyn finally comes forward, which is a massive nail in Roger's coffin. When she is interviewed by the investigators, she sees her name is "Witness W", and realizes that 23 women have come forward. Susan tells Roger that Gretchen recorded all of their meetings, and has proof of everything in the suit. He asks why they didn't say anything before, and Susan tells Roger they wanted him to deny everything only to prove he was lying.

Roger meets with Rupert Murdoch (Malcolm McDowell), his longtime friend and owner of Fox News, and the term's of Roger's exit are settled. Roger asks to go to the newsroom to tell everyone, but Rupert says no. Megyn is at the Republican National Convention when she is informed that Roger is out. Kayla, happy that Roger is gone, takes Jess's photo out of her drawer and encourages her to keep it out - Jess hides it anyway once Murdoch enters the newsroom where he gives a speech to them them that Roger is gone and he will be taking over. Kayla, realizing she is done with Fox News, walks out, tossing her badge into the trash as Jess watches her go, happy for her.

Gretchen gets a settlement offer of twenty million dollars and an apology from Fox News, which she can't believe she got. She tells the audience she doesn't care if they like her, she just cares that they believe her. Her attorneys tell her that along with the settlement comes a non-disclosure, which means she can never tell her story. Gretchen looks out into the audience and says, "maybe".
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Ver The Irishman 2019 Transmisión en vivo de película completa

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  • Title: The Irishman
  • Year: 2019
  • Duration: 3h 29m
  • Rating: 7.8
  • Genres: Drama, Crime, Biography
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Summary The Irishman 2019

An old man recalls his time painting houses for his friend, Jimmy Hoffa, through the 1950-70s.

Frank "The Irishman" Sheeran is a man with a lot on his mind. The former labor union high official and hitman, learned to kill serving in Italy during the Second World War. He now looks back on his life and the hits that defined his mob career, maintaining connections with the Bufalino crime family. In particular, the part he claims to have played in the disappearance of his life-long friend, Jimmy Hoffa, the former president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, who mysteriously vanished in late July 1975 at the age of 62.

In the 1950s, truck driver Frank Sheeran gets involved with Russell Bufalino and his Pennsylvania crime family. As Sheeran climbs the ranks to become a top hit man, he also goes to work for Jimmy Hoffa -- a powerful Teamster tied to organized crime.

Now in the waning years of his life, the feeble octogenarian, Frank "The Irishman" Sheeran--a former meat driver; powerful president of Local 326 of Delaware's Teamsters Union; ruthless racketeer, and mob hitman--finds himself confined to a wheelchair, forgotten in a nursing home in West Chester, Pennsylvania. Weary but still as-silent-as-the-grave, Sheeran recounts his pivotal first murder; his ties to the notorious Bufalino crime family; the assassination of John F. Kennedy; the energetic crusade of the Attorney General, Robert F. Kennedy, and his alleged connection to the murder of the American labour union leader and President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Jimmy Hoffa. Now, reconciliation is the only means to salvation. What's it like to be the last man standing?

Synopsis The Irishman 2019

The film opens in the early 2000's in a retirement home. Sitting alone in a wheelchair is Frank Sheeran (Robert De Niro). He reflects on his life leading up to where he is now, starting with his profession as a "house painter" - in other words, a hit-man.

In the 1950's, Frank, a World War II veteran, lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania working as a truck driver for a meat-packing company. He's married to Mary (Aleksa Palladino) and has a daughter, Peggy (Lucy Gallina). In his work, he meets Russell Bufalino (Joe Pesci), who advises him to get his truck fixed. When Frank asks Russell his name, he instead changes the subject before bidding Frank farewell.

Frank starts to rub elbows with local gangster Felix "Skinny Razor" DiTullio (Bobby Cannavale), providing him with some of the goods he carries. On a delivery, a client sees that Frank's truck is empty, and his employers accuse him of stealing. Frank goes to lawyer Bill Bufalino (Ray Romano), who helps Frank avoid legal repercussions by telling him to not give up the names of anybody that he was selling to. Later on, Bill formally introduces Frank to Russell, who is his cousin. Frank and Russell eat together, in which Frank discusses his time in the war, and how he was skilled at taking out enemy soldiers.

Frank is asked by a gangster called Whispers (Paul Herman) to take out Russell and his buddy Angelo Bruno (Harvey Keitel). Frank doesn't go through with it and instead brings this information to Russell and Angelo, and when Frank offers to return the money to Whispers, Angelo assures Frank that he won't be needing it anymore.

One afternoon, Frank goes home to see that Peggy is looking upset. Mary tells him that she knocked something over at the supermarket, and the store owner shoved her. Frank takes Peggy back to the store where he violently confronts the store owner, beating him and throwing him through the glass door before assaulting him in the street, in full view of Peggy and others walking by. This leads Peggy to become terrified of her father.

Russell brings Frank in on his crime business as a hit-man, and he becomes well acquainted with a number of other gangsters (the onscreen text letting us know how all of them died horribly). During this time, Frank leaves Mary for a woman named Irene (Stephanie Kurtzuba), and they later have two other daughters, Connie and Dolores. He is eventually contacted by union leader Jimmy Hoffa (Al Pacino) after hearing about his work "painting houses". Present Day Frank informs us that there is more to Jimmy that people don't know other than his famed disappearance. Jimmy leads the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, and is also in league with Russell and his gang. Jimmy also has an issue with Teamsters Vice President Anthony "Tony Pro" Provezano (Stephen Graham), as he has his own plans for his business. Frank becomes a bodyguard for Jimmy, and he also brings him along to meet the family. Peggy is most fond of Jimmy, even more so than she is of Russell, whom she knows is bad news.

Jimmy and his Teamsters are staunchly against the Kennedys, which makes JFK's election in 1960 hit a serious nerve for Jimmy. He rants to his men, and with Frank in the room, he thinks he is yelling at him too, but Jimmy assures Frank that he is not including him in the rant. In November 1963, after JFK is assassinated, Jimmy makes an insensitive comment to the press that Bobby Kennedy (Jack Huston), the former General Attorney, is now "just another lawyer." Bobby later forms a squad to go after Jimmy, and he is eventually arrested for jury tampering. In Jimmy's absence, the Teamsters is taken over by Frank "Fitz" Fitzsimmons (Gary Basaraba), who starts to use the group's funds for himself or to make loans to the mob.

In prison, Jimmy finds that Tony Pro is also there for extortion. Tony makes some attempt to hash out his issues with Jimmy, but they can't reach an agreement, and it just leads to them getting into a brawl, which is broken up by guards and other inmates.

During a parade, a random mobster is shot dead in the middle of a crowd. Frank and Russell figure that the gunman was sent by Crazy Joe Gallo (Sebastian Maniscalco), who works with black gangsters to carry out his dirty work. As the name suggests, Joe is a hotheaded loose cannon. On his birthday, Frank and Russell accompany Joe to see Don Rickles (Jim Norton) perform, in which Joe almost snaps at Rickles for a joke. The mobsters agree that Joe is too much of a liability, so Frank is sent to take him out. Present Day Frank recalls picking specific guns to do the job. He catches Joe having dinner with his family at Umberto's, whereupon he shoots at Joe before following him outside and finishing him off in the streets, then making a getaway.

In 1971, Jimmy is released from prison after Richard Nixon gives him a presidential pardon, but he can't go back to the Teamsters. Regardless, Jimmy makes an effort to rise back to power, which involves dumping on other Teamster leaders and disregarding crime family activities. Russell asks Frank to talk to Jimmy about his behavior, but Jimmy assures Frank that he can't be harmed, or else anyone involved will go to jail.

We then jump to 1975 where Frank, Russell, Irene, and Russell's wife Carrie (Kathrine Narducci) are headed to a wedding for Bill's daughter (the film had been cutting back and forth between this since the beginning). Russell tells Frank that it's time for Jimmy to be taken care of. Frank arrives in Detroit after Jimmy is set to meet with Tony Pro and Anthony Giacalone (Patrick Gallo). Jimmy is surprised to see Frank with his foster son Chuckie O'Brien (Jesse Plemons) and fellow gangster Sally Bugs (Louis Cancelmi) after thinking Tony Pro stood him up. He is told that the meeting has been moved to another house where Tony and Russell are waiting for him. Frank takes Jimmy to the house, where Jimmy finds that it's empty. Growing nervous and suspicious, Jimmy starts to walk out, only for Frank to shoot him twice in the back of the head. Frank leaves Jimmy's body there, and it is later picked up by two other men who cremate his body.

Jimmy's disappearance becomes nationwide news. The Sheeran family watches at home, and after Frank offhandedly mentions he hasn't called Jo (Jimmy's wife) yet, Peggy (now played by Anna Paquin), realizes her father had something to do with whatever happened to Jimmy. Present Day Frank informs us that this is the day that Peggy stopped speaking to him.

Frank, Russell, Tony Pro, and others are arrested for suspicions of Jimmy's disappearance, while guys like Sally Bugs are murdered. Tony Pro dies, while Frank spends one last moment with Russell in prison before Russell is wheeled away to the hospital, where he later dies.

Frank is later released from prison and is sent to the retirement home. He has been diagnosed with cancer and he can barely walk. He visits Peggy at her bank job, but she walks away the moment she sees Frank, even as he begs her to talk to him. His attempts to reconcile with his other daughters is also unsuccessful. With this, Frank simply prepares for his death. He picks out a green coffin and the spot where he wants to be buried.

At the end of the night, Frank is taken to his room by an orderly. He asks the orderly to leave the door open, holding out hope that maybe someone in his family will still care to visit him.
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Ver The Lighthouse 2019 Película completa en línea Transmisión del Reino Unido

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  • Title: The Lighthouse
  • Year: 2019
  • Duration: 1h 49m
  • Rating: 7.5
  • Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Horror
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Summary The Lighthouse 2019

Two lighthouse keepers try to maintain their sanity while living on a remote and mysterious New England island in the 1890s.

As the wavering cry of the foghorn fills the air, the taciturn former lumberjack, Ephraim Winslow, and the grizzled lighthouse keeper, Thomas Wake, set foot in a secluded and perpetually grey islet off the coast of late-19th-century New England. For the following four weeks of back-breaking work and unfavourable conditions, the tight-lipped men will have no one else for company except for each other, forced to endure irritating idiosyncrasies, bottled-up resentment, and burgeoning hatred. Then, amid bad omens, a furious and unending squall maroons the pale beacon's keepers in the already inhospitable volcanic rock, paving the way for a prolonged period of feral hunger; excruciating agony; manic isolation, and horrible booze-addled visions. Now, the eerie stranglehold of insanity tightens. Is there an escape from the wall-less prison of the mind?

Synopsis The Lighthouse 2019

In the late 1800s, retired timber-man Ephraim Winslow (Robert Pattinson) is sent on a boat to serve a contract job as a wickie for four weeks on an isolated island with a gassy elderly man named Thomas Wake (William Dafoe). On the first day of the job, Winslow notices that there is a hole in his cot. As he digs into it, he finds a small wooden figurine of a mermaid and stuffs it in his jacket. Wake is perceived by Winslow as a strange and superstitious fellow, going up to the top of the lighthouse at night and stripping nude. Winslow decides to shrug it off but is drawn towards the ocean. He sees floating tree stumps in the water along with a horrifying image of a mermaid in the deep. Then he wakes, revealing this to be a dream.

Over the course of his stay, Winslow is allocated the more taxing jobs, refueling the light, stirring the oil barrack, carrying heavy gasoline containers, and disposing of the two men's chamber pots. As the weeks progress, Winslow becomes more and more curious as to Wake's obsession with the light. He constantly is encountered by a strange seagull that constantly seeks to annoy Winslow at every turn. Wake sees this and encourages Winslow at dinner to leave it alone because it's bad luck to kill a seagull. The weeks continue, and Winslow constantly retreats to the supply cabin to masturbate to the figurine of the mermaid, and like clockwork, he sees Wake up on the top level of the lighthouse bare naked. One night at dinner, the two decide to get to know each other. They finally introduce each other by name and discuss the previous wickie. Wake says that his previous keeper passed away shortly after losing his sanity. Winslow tells Wake about how he used to work up in the North but decided to change profession, and Wake asks if he was running away from something he did on the mainland, which Winslow quickly shrugs off. Winslow asks Wake why killing a seagull is a bad omen, and he explains that Seagulls are vessels for the souls of dead seamen, which Winslow also shrugs off.

The day before Winslow is slated to leave, he notices a major jam in the oil barrack and goes to see what the fuss is about. He opens the chamber to see a dying seagull stuck inside. The other seagull who has been tormenting Winslow for the past month flies down to the oil barrack and attacks him. Winslow grabs the seagull and violently beats it to death against a rock. That afternoon, the winds finally stop, and Wake becomes paranoid that a storm is destined to attack the island, and therefore proposes that the two of them drown their sorrows in alcohol before the ferry comes tomorrow. They board up the windows, and the storm begins. As the night progresses and the two get drunker and drunker, Winslow asks to go up to the top level of the lighthouse, which leads to an argument between him and Wake. The next morning, the ferry is nowhere to be seen, and Winslow decides to continue with his morning routine. This is, however, cut short by a mysterious figure washing up on the shore. Winslow approaches the body, which appears to be a naked woman until he looks down and realizes that she is actually a mermaid. He runs back into the cottage to find Wake stating that the rations were impacted by the storm. Wake informs Winslow that they buried a secret stash of rations next to the lighthouse that they will need to get. The two dig up the giant crate, but it is revealed to only have more alcohol.

Wake says it will likely take a longer time for the ferry to get here due to the storm. More nights progress and the two become closer as they drink more and continue to be at each other's throats. One night in the bedroom, Winslow, in a drunken stupor, harasses Wake and criticizes his cooking skills, leading Wake to verbally curse out Winslow, asking Neptune to strike him dead in a lengthy soliloquy. The days of the storm continue, and Winslow slowly begins to drink on his own, and he loses his composure and his concept of time. He sneaks up to the top level of the lighthouse but cannot enter without a key. As he gazes into the light, he begins to have visions of tentacles moving inside. Wake begins to psychologically manipulate Winslow until he reveals that his name is actually not Ephraim Winslow. He actually murdered a timber-man by that name and assumed his identity. Wake accuses Winslow of "spilling his beans," and later on, Winslow drunkenly breaks the mermaid figurine in half. Winslow has another vision of him pulling up a lobster cage from the depths of the sea, containing the severed head of Wake's previous Wickie. Eventually, Winslow can't take anymore and tries to kill Wake in his sleep to steal the key. This proves unsuccessful, and Winslow tries to leave. He pushes the lifeboat out of the cabin, but Wake sees this and uses an ax to destroy the boat. Wake chases Winslow into the cottage, but inside, Wake continues with more psychological manipulation, claiming that it was actually Winslow that chased Wake around the island with the ax. An undisclosed amount of time later, the two have another drunken party together, until the storm becomes so powerful that the waves crash through the windows and destroying the cottage.

The next morning the two wakes in a flooded cottage and Winslow decides to pick up Wake's diary. Inside, he finds that Wake has decided not to pay Winslow for his services once the ferry comes to pick them up, leading to another argument. Wake finally reveals that he knows Winslow killed the seagull and brought bad omens upon the island. Winslow attacks Wake and starts envisioning him as different people: first as the real Ephraim Winslow, then as the mermaid, then as Poseidon himself. Enveloped in imaginary tentacles, he beats Wake into submission. He then ties a collar around Wake's neck and forces him to walk and act like a dog. He takes Wake over to the hole where they kept the crate of alcohol and covers Wake in the dirt until he passes out. Winslow uses this opportunity to steal the key off him and runs back into the cottage to find the cabinet. Wake, in a fit of rage, bursts into the cottage with the ax and hacks Winslow in the shoulder. Winslow overpowers Wake and impales Wake right in the head. Winslow then walks up to the top level of the lighthouse and finally sees what is inside the light. He is then overpowered by the brightness and begins to maniacally laugh until he slips and falls down the stairs all the way to the floor. The film ends with a final shot of Winslow lying naked on the rocks, seagulls picking at his insides.
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Ver Streaming Nancy Drew Transmisión de película completa en línea gratis

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  • Title: Nancy Drew
  • Year:
  • Duration: unknown
  • Rating: 6.3
  • Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Horror
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Summary Nancy Drew

Young Nancy Drew makes plans to leave her hometown for college after high school graduation, but finds herself drawn into a supernatural murder mystery.

Synopsis Nancy Drew

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Creepshow Película completa Bluray Stream

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  • Title: Creepshow
  • Year:
  • Duration: unknown
  • Rating: 7.1
  • Genres: Fantasy, Mystery, Horror
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Summary Creepshow

The fictional Creepshow comic books come to life in this anthology series of terrifying tales hosted by the silent Creepshow ghoul.

Synopsis Creepshow

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Uncut Gems 2019 Transmisión gratuita de película completa

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  • Title: Uncut Gems
  • Year: 2019
  • Duration: 2h 15m
  • Rating: 7.4
  • Genres: Drama, Crime, Thriller
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Summary Uncut Gems 2019

With his debts mounting and angry collectors closing in, a fast-talking New York City jeweler risks everything in hope of staying afloat and alive.

Howard Ratner (Adam Sandler) is a once successful New York gems dealer whose gambling addiction has left his family and career in shambles, and him hundreds of thousands in debt. Always looking for the next big bet, Howard thinks he finally hit it big when he discovers a rare uncut rock of Ethiopian gems, with a very interested high-profile buyer. But the closer Howard gets to finally winning big, the more he is forced to realize he can't keep running from the consequences of his actions.

In New York City's chaotic and corrupt diamond market, the gemstone dealer and gambling addict, Howard Ratner, is owing money to almost everyone, including his brother-in-law, Arno. A serial adulterer, incorrigible gambler, and all-around con artist, Howard thinks he can finally get out of the tight spot when he gets his hands on a block of rare Ethiopian black opal--the means to clear his ever-rising debts. But, the star Boston Celtics player, Kevin Garnett, has already taken a shine to the precious uncut gem. Can Ratner juggle his family, a pair of thuggish collectors, his work, and his master plan before things get nasty?

A charismatic New York City jeweler always on the lookout for the next big score makes a series of high-stakes bets that could lead to the windfall of a lifetime. Howard must perform a precarious high-wire act, balancing business, family, and encroaching adversaries on all sides in his relentless pursuit of the ultimate win.

From acclaimed filmmakers Josh and Benny Safdie comes an electrifying crime thriller about Howard Ratner (Adam Sandler), a charismatic New York City jeweler always on the lookout for the next big score. When he makes a series of high-stakes bets that could lead to the windfall of a lifetime, Howard must perform a precarious high-wire act, balancing business, family, and encroaching adversaries on all sides, in his relentless pursuit of the ultimate win.

Synopsis Uncut Gems 2019

In 2010, Ethiopian Jewish miners retrieve a rare black opal from the Welo mine in Africa. 2012, gambling addict Howard Ratner runs KMH, a jewelry store in New York City's Diamond District. Howard struggles to pay off gambling debts, including $100,000 he owes to Arno, his loan shark brother-in-law. His domestic life is split between Dinah, his estranged wife who has agreed to a divorce after Passover, and his girlfriend Julia, a KMH employee.

Howard's business associate Demany brings basketball star Kevin Garnett to KMH. While Garnett is in the store, the rare Ethiopian black opal Howard has ordered arrives. Garnett becomes obsessed with it, insisting on holding onto it for good luck at his game that night. Howard reluctantly agrees, accepting Garnett's 2008 NBA Championship ring as collateral.

Immediately after Garnett leaves, Howard pawns the ring and places a six-way parlay on Garnett playing extraordinarily well in that night's game. Howard wins $600,000, but is ambushed at his daughter's school play by Arno and his bodyguards Phil and Nico. Arno reveals that he placed a stop on Howard's bet as it was made with money owed to him. Phil and Nico strip Howard naked and lock him in the trunk of his car, forcing him to call Dinah for help.

Howard tracks down Demany at a party hosted by the Weeknd. Demany says that Garnett still has the opal, angering Howard. Howard discovers Julia and the Weeknd snorting cocaine together in a bathroom, and gets into a fight with him. Feeling betrayed, Howard demands that Julia move out of his apartment. After an awkward Passover dinner, Dinah rejects Howard's plea to give their marriage another chance.

Garnett returns the opal before the auction and offers to purchase it for $175,000, but Howard refuses, given the substantially larger appraisal. Just before the auction starts, Howard discovers the opal has been appraised for significantly less than his initial estimate of $1 million. He convinces his father-in-law Gooey to bid on the gem to drive up the price, but the plan backfires when Garnett fails to top Gooey's final bid. A furious Gooey gives Howard the opal before Arno, Phil, and Nico assault Howard outside the auction house. Howard returns to KMH, bloody and in tears. Julia comforts him and they reconcile.

Howard learns that Garnett is still willing to purchase the opal; as soon as the sale is made, Howard bets the proceeds on a three-way parlay on Garnett having a strong performance. He tells Julia to travel by helicopter to Mohegan Sun to place the bet for him. Julia narrowly escapes as Arno, Phil and Nico arrive at KMH. The thugs find Howard in his office and threaten him, but he refuses to call Julia and cancel the bet. Furious, the three attempt to pursue her, but Howard locks them in between the store's security doors. Howard watches the game on TV while Arno, Phil and Nico remain trapped.

Garnett's Boston Celtics win the game, winning Howard $1.2 million. An ecstatic Howard frees Arno, Phil and Nico, but Phil, enraged, shoots and kills Howard. Arno protests and tries to escape, but Phil kills him as well. Julia leaves the casino with Howard's winnings. Phil and Nico loot the store as the police are called.
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Dead to Me Película completa HD Transmisión en línea

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  • Title: Dead to Me
  • Year:
  • Duration: unknown
  • Rating: 8
  • Genres: Drama, Comedy
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Summary Dead to Me

A series about a powerful friendship that blossoms between a tightly wound widow and a free spirit with a shocking secret.

Synopsis Dead to Me

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Doctor Sleep 2019 Película completa HD Transmisión en línea

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  • Title: Doctor Sleep
  • Year: 2019
  • Duration: 2h 32m
  • Rating: 7.3
  • Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Horror
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Summary Doctor Sleep 2019

Years following the events of The Shining (1980), a now-adult Dan Torrance must protect a young girl with similar powers from a cult known as The True Knot, who prey on children with powers to remain immortal.

On highways across America, a tribe of people called The True Knot travel in search of sustenance. They look harmless-mostly old, lots of polyester, and married to their RVs. But as Dan Torrance knows, and tween Abra Stone learns, The True Knot are quasi-immortal, living off the "steam" that children with the "shining" produce when they are slowly tortured to death. Haunted by the inhabitants of the Overlook Hotel where he spent one horrific childhood year, Dan has been drifting for decades, desperate to shed his father's legacy of despair, alcoholism, and violence. Finally, he settles in a New Hampshire town, an AA community that sustains him, and a job at a nursing home where his remnant "shining" power provides the crucial final comfort to the dying. Aided by a prescient cat, he becomes "Doctor Sleep." Then Dan meets the evanescent Abra Stone, and it is her spectacular gift, the brightest shining ever seen, that reignites Dan's own demons and summons him to a battle for Abra's soul and survival.

Years after the traumatizing events of The Overlook Hotel, Dan Torrance is now an alcoholic struggling to find a job. He moves to a small town in New Hampshire and becomes "Doctor Sleep". He then meets Abra Stone, a teenager with the brightest shine he's ever seen. When he learns that a cult of evil beings called The True Knot are chasing her with the intent to eat her shine, he does everything in his power to protect her...including returning to The Overlook.

Still tormented by the past's uncomfortable memories, decades after surviving the harsh winter at the Overlook Hotel in The Shining (1980), it's only natural that a now-sad Dan Torrance has grown up into an alcoholic and a drifter. However, after managing for years to suppress his rare gift, Dan decides to put "The Shining" to good use as the local hospice's benevolent "Doctor Sleep"; and before he knows it, he makes contact with Abra Stone: a young girl with far more superior shining abilities. But, their strong telepathic bond attracts the attention of the semi-eternal psychic vampire, Rose the Hat, and her marauding gang of followers known as "The True Knot", who prey on the innocent, and feed off the effervescent essence of pain. Now, once more, the restless and famished spirits of Colorado's snow-capped purgatory in the mountains invite Dan over for one last winter. Does Danny dare to return to Room 237?

Struggling with alcoholism, Dan Torrance remains traumatized by the sinister events that occurred at the Overlook Hotel when he was a child. His hope for a peaceful existence soon becomes shattered when he meets Abra, a teen who shares his extrasensory gift of the "shine." Together, they form an unlikely alliance to battle the True Knot, a cult whose members try to feed off the shine of innocents to become immortal.

Synopsis Doctor Sleep 2019

Florida, 1981

A little girl named Violet Hansen (Violet McGraw) is out on a camping trip with her family. One afternoon, she wanders into the woods where she finds a woman sitting alone by the lake. She introduces herself as Rose The Hat (Rebecca Ferguson), and she charms Violet with magic tricks. The girl then notices other people lurking nearby, watching them. Rose tells Violet that she has a bit of magic in her, right before she and all the other people in the woods converge on Violet.

Elsewhere, Danny Torrance (Roger Dale Floyd) is still getting over the trauma from his ordeal at the Overlook Hotel. His mother, Wendy (Alex Essoe), has become concerned since he hasn't spoken since their time there, but he still has nightmares of the spirits from the hotel, such as the Grady Twins and the Bathtub Lady from Room 237. As part of his "shine" powers, Danny can see spirits like Dick Hallorann (Carl Lumbly). He shows Danny a trick to keeping evil spirits away by showing him a box that he can use to trap them. Wendy then runs out to find Danny on the bench, but nobody is next to him.

That night, Danny and Wendy are watching TV together. Danny excuses himself to go to the bathroom, where the Bathtub Lady is waiting for him. He uses a box in his mind and manages to trap her inside. He returns to his mother and starts talking to her again.

Jump to 2011, where Dan (now played by Ewan McGregor) lives in New Jersey and is an alcoholic. He gets into a violent bar fight where he knocks a man unconscious and later hooks up with a woman from the same bar. As he wakes up in the morning, he finds the woman's child and is put off by this.

In Long Island, a teenager named Andi (Emily Alyn Lind) meets with an older man who found her on a website. Rose and her right-hand man, Crow Daddy (Zahn McClarnon), are watching her from a distance. Andi is able to manipulate others to do what she says before leaving a cut on his cheek, resembling a snake bite. Impressed, Rose catches Andi outside the theater and takes her with her and Crow. They take her to their hideout, where Rose tells Andi that she has special powers that work in favor of their cult, The True Knot. Rose nicknames her "Snakebite Andi" and promises her that they can "eat well, stay young, and live long."

Anniston, New Hampshire

Abra Stone is celebrating her 5th birthday. In the kitchen, her parents Dave and Lucy (Zackary Momoh and Jocelin Donahue) notice that Abra has somehow made a bunch of spoons float up to the ceiling. She simply says "Abra Cadabra" and makes them hit the table.

Dan arrives in Frazier, NH, to start a new life. He meets and befriends a local man named Billy Freeman (Cliff Curtis), to whom Dan admits he is running away from something. Dan finds a place to stay, with Billy vouching for him to the landlord.

That night, Rose brings Andi out by the beach for a ceremony. The eldest True Knot member, Grampa Flick (Carel Struycken), leads the ceremony. Rose pulls out a canister containing the shine of Violet, presented as some kind of powerful steam. Rose feeds Violet's shine to Andi while the other True Knot members get their share of it. Andi writhes and screams until she has absorbed the shine.

Dan has a nightmare in which he sees a spirit sleeping next to him. He goes to Billy for help, and he brings Dan to an AA meeting. After the meeting, Dan is introduced to Dr. John Dalton (Bruce Greenwood). Dan notices Dalton clutching his wrist, and then approaches him by saying that he left his watch in a bathroom, which is something only Dalton would have known. Astonished by Dan's insight, and influenced by Billy's good word, Dalton gives Dan a job working at the hospice, as he has some experience as an orderly.

During one night shift, Dan is mopping the floors when he notices the hospice's cat, Azzie, going into the room of an elderly man. The man knows that whenever Azzie goes into someone's room and sits on their bed, it's because Azzie knows that person is going to die. The man appears frightened at first until Dan reassures him telepathically that dying is just like going to sleep. Comforted, the man nicknames Dan, "Doctor Sleep." Within moments, the older man is gone, indicated by his breath leaving his body. When Dan returns home, he finds "Hello" written on his wall, with a smiley face in the O. He simply writes back, "Hi."

Eight years later, in present-day 2019, Dan has remained sober. During a meeting, he discusses his feelings with never having known his father, only feeling close to him whenever he drank. It made him realize that his father fought the same battle he did, but Dan has chosen to come out better. He continues his work as an orderly to tend to patients who are about to die. He also maintains contact with Abra (now played by Kyleigh Curran).

The True Knot hasn't had a good feed in a while, relying mostly on leftovers from kids with shines that aren't as powerful. They track a young baseball player, Bradley Trevor (Jacob Tremblay), whose shine helps him out during games. The True Knot follows him home, and Andi makes him get in their van. They take him to a secluded area where they pin him down and brutally murder him, feasting on his dying screams. Abra senses the murder and begins screaming in her home, crying to her parents that the boy has been killed. Rose is able to sense Abra's presence there as well, referring to her as a "looker." At this time, Dan sees "REDRUM" written on his wall. He asks Abra "Who," and she writes back "Baseball Boy." The True Knot then buries Bradley in a shallow grave.

Abra does some research into Bradley's disappearance. At school, she is able to hear the thoughts of her classmates. When she gets home to her room, she has visions of the True Knot and their whereabouts. She looks outside her window and floats briefly as she is connected to Rose, who is at a supermarket. Rose manages to see Abra and come into contact with her, but Abra expels Rose from her head, which causes a strong enough push to send Rose across the floor. She is amazed by this power, but also threatened by it. Rose brings this information back to Crow, stating that her shine might be too powerful for the True Knot, and so they must destroy her.

Dan and Abra eventually find each other and explain their gifts to one another, which Dan calls "The Shining," or "Tony" since he thought it was like having an imaginary friend. Abra thought Dan was her imaginary friend. After she tells him about the True Knot, he warns her against using her shine in any way that could attract their attention.

At night while at work, Dan follows Azzie into a bedroom where he reencounters Dick for the first time since childhood. He warns Dan about what the True Knot really does and also urges him to protect Abra since they share a connection. Dick also lets Dan know that this will be the last time he sees him.

Rose meditates and manages to get into Abra's head while she's asleep. She finds what looks like filing cabinets and tries digging through them, but Abra anticipated Rose would come back, so she traps her hand in the drawer, causing Rose to tear her skin as she pulls her hand out. She snaps back to her regular body and sees her injury followed her. She reports to the others that Abra set a trap for her, and so it is now clear that she has to be killed. Crow then informs Rose that Grampa Flick is "cycling." Too weakened to keep going, he convulses until he decays, and the cult absorbs his steam.

Abra makes contact with Dan again and asks for his help in finding Bradley's body since she can locate the cult if she touches his baseball glove. With Billy's help, Dan is guided by Abra to the site where the boy's body is buried. Dan and Billy dig up the body, horrified and physically repulsed at the discovery. They take the glove back to Abra's house, but Dave has learned about Abra's contact with "Uncle Dan" and thinks Dan is some kind of creep. After explaining everything to Dave and revealing their powers to him, Abra manages to track the cult and deduces their destination.

Dan and Billy go into the woods to bait the cult using Abra, who is appearing from her kitchen. Dan and Billy hide and begin shooting at the cult members, and Rose feels the pain as each of them are killed off one by one. Billy shoots Andi, but she uses her last breaths to manipulate Billy into fatally shooting himself in the head. Meanwhile, Crow kills Dave and abducts Abra. Dan returns home and is able to link his mind to Abra's and briefly possesses her. Together, they cause Crow to steer into a tree, and since he wasn't wearing his seat belt, he's ejected through the windshield and is killed instantly.

Dan drives up and locates Abra. They then drive off to make their last stand at the now rundown and condemned Overlook Hotel. Dan walks through the building where his lifelong trauma was born. He finds Room 237, still with the ax markings left by Jack. Dan walks to the mezzanine and meets the bartender, Lloyd (Henry Thomas), who bears a striking resemblance to Jack, though he insists he is just Lloyd. Dan recounts how Wendy died when he was 20, and how he knew she was dying due to the flies that he would see around anyone who was close to death. Lloyd then drops the facade and channels Jack before downing the drink he offered Dan. Rose soon arrives, and Dan and Abra team up to trap Rose in the icy hedge maze. Abra manages to wound Rose by cutting her legs, but Rose overpowers them and breaks free. Abra runs while Dan faces Rose. She gets into his mind and sees all the fear and trauma he endured in that hotel, which allows her to start absorbing his shine. Rose then sees the boxes of the Overlook spirits and thinks they contain more power, but Dan instead unleashes them to use against Rose. The Grady Twins, Bathtub Lady, and other spirits surround Rose and consume her shine, destroying her for good. But they soon turn their attention to Dan and possess him. He finds Abra, but she is able to tap in and reach Dan, saying he made a stop to the boiler room. Knowing what is going to happen, Dan sends Abra out as he takes the spirits with him to the boiler room to let the Overlook finally go up in flames, while Abra watches outside.

Sometime later, Abra continues to communicate with Dan's spirit. When her mother asks her about it, she at first denies anything, but then admits she was talking to Dan as well as her father. Lucy appears okay with Abra's powers. Before they watch TV together, Abra excuses herself to go to the bathroom. The Bathtub Lady is in there waiting for her, but Abra is already one step ahead of her.
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